Blackwell's Capital Improvement Project: how much is it, and what will it do?
January 15, 2025

The Blackwell City Council has scheduled a public hearing for February 20 at 5:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Blackwell City Hall (221 west Blackwell)
The subject of the meeting is the city's proposed Capital Improvement Plan, with community input encouraged before the proposed plan is discussed that night at the council meeting.
The notice was posted at the Blackwell City Hall, Blackwell Public Library, Blackwell Fire Department, and Blackwell Police Department.
The subject of the meeting is the city's proposed Capital Improvement Plan, with community input encouraged before the proposed plan is discussed that night at the council meeting.
The notice was posted at the Blackwell City Hall, Blackwell Public Library, Blackwell Fire Department, and Blackwell Police Department.
The proposed 2025- 2028 Capital Improvement Plan, as prepared by the Northern Oklahoma Development Authority (NODA) is available for the public to view during business hours at Blackwell City Hall (Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
The public notice posted by the city made reference to low and moderate income-level households, which itself is a legally required clarification as part of House Bill 2375 from 1992 which calls for such capital improvement plans in moderate to low-level income communities to have assistance from various grants.
The 10-year plan determines expenses that City of Blackwell can seek grants for via NODA.
The public notice posted by the city made reference to low and moderate income-level households, which itself is a legally required clarification as part of House Bill 2375 from 1992 which calls for such capital improvement plans in moderate to low-level income communities to have assistance from various grants.
The 10-year plan determines expenses that City of Blackwell can seek grants for via NODA.
The plan is broken down in four expenditure categories: M- Mandatory, E- Essential, D- Desirable, and Y- Deferrable for items to be addressed over the next decade.
MANDATORY items cannot be postponed due to public health necessity or state / federal requirements.
ESSENTIAL items are required to maintain the community's health and welfare or prevent a future problem but no immediate risk is involved.
DESIRABLE items are required within five years to prevent obsolescence or provide for future growth.
DEFERRABLE items have no specific time constraints.
MANDATORY items cannot be postponed due to public health necessity or state / federal requirements.
ESSENTIAL items are required to maintain the community's health and welfare or prevent a future problem but no immediate risk is involved.
DESIRABLE items are required within five years to prevent obsolescence or provide for future growth.
DEFERRABLE items have no specific time constraints.
The following is a brief summary of the proposed Capital Improvement Plan with items classified by their expenditures. The full proposed plan is available for the public to read at the City Hall building located at 221 W. Blackwell Ave during normal business hours.
- Desirable expense: new wheelchair elevator
- Mandatory expense: weather observatory.
- Essential expense: base radio.
- Mandatory expense: 1,000 gallon pumper.
- Mandatory expense: Storm sirens throughout the City of Blackwell.
- Essential expense: a new generator for Station 2.
- Essential expense: upgrades to the Police & Fire Department.
- Mandatory expense: body cameras.
- Mandatory expense: police tasers.
- Essential expense: upgraded police cars over 20 years.
- Masonry work on the Blackwell Public Pool building
- Desirable expense: new lights at the soccer field
- Desirable expense: splash pad at Legion Park
- Desirable expense: new equipment at Trapp Park
- Desirable expense: new equipment at Legion Park
- Desirable expense: resurfaced walking trail at Legion Park
- Mandatory expense: 1st Street resurfaced from Doolin to Coolidge
- Mandatory expense: A Street resurfaced from Doolin to Lawrence
- Mandatory expense: 8th Street resurfaced from Doolin to Ash
- Desirable expense: Chrysler resurfaced from 13th to B Street
- Desirable expense: B Street resurfaced from Coolidge to Doolin
- Desirable expense: Bridge #1 at 6th and Dewey
- Desirable expense: Bridge #2 at 600 Block of west Florence and Dewey
- Mandatory expense: Four (4) SCBAs for the water plant (wearable respiratory devices)
- Mandatory expense: Six Hazmat suits (6)
- Mandatory expense: Two (2) face masks
- Mandatory expense: Water Plant generator for high pressure pumps
- Essential expense: Skid Steer for Water Department C & D
- Essential expense: Two (2) trucks for Water Department C & D
- Essential expense: Water Department C & D roof replacement
- Essential expense: Water Plant Roof
- Essential expense: Total rehabilitation for Water Plant Project
- Desirable expense: Excavator for the Water Department C & D
- Desirable expense: forklift for Water Plant
- Desirable expense: dump truck for Water Plant
- Desirable expense: equalizer basin (ramps needed, cleaning needed) for wastewater
- Mandatory expense: tree trimming along electrical lines to avoid future disasters
- Essential expense: leaky roof at the electrical warehouse
- Essential: insulation at the electrical warehouse
- Essential expense: The City of Blackwell needs to demolish twenty houses
- Desirable expense: The City of Blackwell needs to acquire a big scanner, plotter, and printer for the Code Enforcement Department
- Desirable expense: The City of Blackwell needs to upgrade existing maps, changes, and software for Code Enforcement
- Desirable expense: A pickup truck for the Code Enforcement Department.
- Essential expense: replacement air conditioner for City Hall
- Essential expense: replacement windows at City Hall
- Essential expense: elevator upgrade
- Desirable expense: replacement air conditioner for City Hall
- Desirable expense: men's restroom upgrade
In total, the 10-year plan comes to a total of $45,975,018 which will be submitted to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce through NODA where the various expenses and needs will be explored through available grants including Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Rural Economic Action Plan Grants (REAP) among other funding sources.
The public hearing to discuss the proposed plan will be held on February 20 at 5:45 p.m. at Blackwell City Hall 221. West Blackwell Ave.
The meeting will be recapped in the February 26 issue of the Journal-Tribune.
The meeting will be recapped in the February 26 issue of the Journal-Tribune.
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